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Statewide Term Contracts
Drug & Alcohol Testing and Background Screening
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesStateTermMichael S. Speakmon803.737.9816



Instructions for Using this Contract

Overall turnaround time for an account set up may take between one (1) to six (6) weeks or more depending on the complexity of the Agency.  Complete the Premier account set up form.  Email the completed form to accountsupport@premierbiotech.com.  You will be contacted for a discovery call.  After completion of the discovery call, Premier initiates the build of your agency’s account structure.  Account set up turnaround time ranges from three (3) to five (5) business days with an additional five (5) to seven (7) business days to ship supplies after the initial 3-5 days if supplies are required (custody and control forms, point of collection testing devices, etc). 

Drug & Alcohol Testing and Background Screening
Start Date: 02/27/2022  |  End Date: 07/31/2025
Contract#: 4400028221
Solicitation#: MMCAP Cooperative
As of November 1, 2022, Premier Biotech is no longer using applya Occupational Strategies as the primary subcontractor on this contract. Please see the "Transition Notification" attachment for details concerning your account and access to the services.  

A change order to update pricing was processed and the new prices are effective on February 1, 2025. 
Transition Notification
Detailed Scope of the Products/Services Provided
Premier Account Setup Form
Combined Price List (ALL Lots in one Spreadsheet)
Lot 1 - Urine Drug Testing Pricing
Lot 2 - Alcohol Testing Pricing
Lot 3 - Hair Drug Testing Pricing
Lot 4 - Oral Fluid Drug Testing
Lot 5 - Nail Drug Testing
Lot 6 - Point of Care Testing
Lot 7 - Background Screening
Lot 8 - Training
Lot 9 - Miscellaneous
Vendor: Premier Biotech, Inc.
Contract#: 4400028221
Vendor#: 7000183265
Address: 723 Kasota Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Contact: Client/Customer Service
Email: clientservices@premierbiotech.com
Contact: Account Management/Background Support
Phone#: 855-718-6917
Email: accountsupport@premierbiotech.com
Contact: Supply Orders
Email: supplies@premierbiotech.com
Contact: Random Program Assistance
Email: randoms@premierbiotech.com
Contact: Questions Related to Invoices
Email: ap@premierbiotech.com
Contact: Corey Klein - Issue Escalation
Email: coreyklein@premierbiotech.com