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Statewide Term Contracts
Snowplow and Grader Cutting Edges
ClassificationContract TypeManagerPhone#
Goods & ServicesCooperativeDeAna Reed-Sharpe803.896.6389


The purpose of this NASPO ValuePoint portfolio is to establish Master Agreements with qualified Contractors to provide various types of snowplows, cutting edges and accessories. 

There are three product categories of snowplow cutting edges, blades and scrapers: 

A. Category 1 - Truck Mounted Blades - truck-mounted snowplow blades, edges, and scrapers capable of being mounted on the front, wing, underbody, or similar on the vehicle.

B. Category 2 - Grader Mounted Blades. Are grader-mounted blades, edges, and scrapers, that include steel, tungsten carbide, single carbide, armored, dual carbide, grade scarifier systems,
specialty blades (i.e., flexible carbides, rubber / poly blades), and similar as described below, for various snow plow operations:

1. Steel Grader Blades - steel grader blades (high carbon, flame hardened, etc.), Single Edge Carbide or “steel carbides”, “Flat Top”, etc. Dimensions range from - 6” x 3/4, 5” x 7/8”, 5/8”
inserts, 3/4” inserts, and similar, according to industry standards.
2. Tungsten Carbide Tipped Blades - tungsten carbide tipped blades and inserts.
3. Single Carbide Grader Blades - single carbide grader blades, single edge “Beveled Top”, 5”X7/8, 5/8” trap insert for use on underbody / grader, and similar.
4. Armored Grader Blades - armored grader blades (carbides with welded cover blade) and similar.
5. Dual Carbide Grader Blades - dual carbide grader blades and inserts with an underbody/grader, and similar. Center of holes shall be in line within 1/32” of established centerline. The tolerance on the length of the steel portion of the blade to be +0.0/-0.06”.
6. Grader Scarifier Systems - Grader scarifier systems with blades used for tearing up pavement, as well as breaking up packed ice, asphalt, and similar.
7. Flexible Carbides.

C. Category 3 – Loader Bucket Edges/Blades - loader-mounted snowplow bucket blades, edges, and scrapers, with a variety of different spacing and sizing options available by the manufacturer.

Value Added Contract Items are also available in this portfolio.  Contractor may also provide value add options (equipment, goods, or services) that align with their awarded categories and meet the general requirements and purposes of the RFP. Such value-added items may include, but are not limited to: plow accessories (i.e., shoes, markers, spinners, etc.), guards (i.e., center and curb guards), and other essential wear parts.  Value Adds are an opportunity to allow Contractors to offer additional type, style, quality, and breadth of
equipment, goods, and service options available in their awarded category.

Snowplow & Grader Cutting Edges
Start Date: 10/08/2024  |  End Date: 03/28/2031
Solicitation#: NASPO Snowplow & Grader Cutting Edges
Vendor: Kueper North America
Contract#: 4400035852
Vendor#: 7000361615
Address: 171 Church Street, Suite 300, Charleston, SC 29401
Website: www.kueperblades.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Contact: Michelle Loeber
Phone#: 843-723-7361
Email: mloeber@kueperblades.com
Contact: Patricia Schuster
Phone#: 843-727-5941
Email: pschuster@kueperblades.com
Contact: Gardi Willis
Phone#: 8430723-7361
Email: gwillis@kueperblades.com
Vendor: Chemung Supply Corp
Contract#: 4400035863
Vendor#: 7000153296
Address: 2420 Corning Road, Elmira, New York 14903
Website: https://chemungsupply.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Contact: Mike Menner
Phone#: 607-733-5506
Email: mmenner@chemungsupply.com
Vendor: Winter Equipment Company Inc.
Contract#: 4400035864
Vendor#: 7000199161
Address: 1900 Joseph Lloyd Parkway, Willoughby, Ohio 44094
Website: www.winterequipment.com
Vendor Files/Links:
Participating Addendum
Price List
Contact: Christine Amato
Phone#: 800-294-6837 ext. 224
Email: cmarsiglio@winterequipment.com