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E10 Ethanol Blended Gasoline
Start Date: 07/11/2022  |  End Date: 07/10/2027
Solicitation#: 5400022911
SC Fuel Contract Zones
Vendor: Gladieux Energy
Contract#: 4400030971
Vendor#: 7000332190
Email: govorders@gladieuxenergy.com
Address: 1835 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne IN 46802
Contract For Gasoline Transport - Zone 3 - 4 (7,500 Gallons or More) and Tankwagon 1, 2, 3, 4 (Less than 7,500 Gallons)

Price Mark Up/Down: 
Gasoline (E10) - Transport Zone 3 - $ +0.0191
Gasoline (E10) - Transport Zone 4 - $ -0.0144
Gasoline (E10) - Tankwagon Zone 1 - $ +0.5000
Gasoline (E10) - Tankwagon Zone 2 - $ +0.1497
Gasoline (E10) - Tankwagon Zone 3 -  $ +0.6000
Gasoline (E10) - Tankwagon Zone 4 - $ +0.5000

Lead Time: 48 hours ARO

ORDERING: Please furnish account number, quantity, date and approximate time of delivery. Also, give a minimum of 24 hour notice on orders. Make sure to include any specific delivery instructions in the order, such as a site point of contact and whom to leave the paperwork with.

PRICING: The price per gallon to end using entities should equal the average daily wholesale price for the zone in which the fuel is delivered, plus applicable taxes, plus the price markup or markdown above. 

ADDITIONAL FEES: Additional fees may be invoiced as a separate line item to end using entities for split loads or pump off charges when these occur. The maximum allowable charge for each split load or pump off is $50.00 per occurrence. No other fees or additional charges are allowed.

Additional Contact (please use vendor email above for orders):
Mathew Scheiber
Office: 260-423-4477 ext. 414
Cell: 260-388-2793

Vendor: Petroleum Traders Corporation
Contract#: 4400028883
Vendor#: 7000036689
Email: bidorders@petroleumtraders.com
Address: 7120 Pointe Inverness Way, Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Phone#: 1-800-348-3705 (Option 4)
Contract For Gasoline Transport - Zone 1 and 2 (7,500 Gallons or More)
Price Mark-UP Zone 1: $ +0.0104
Price Mark-UP Zone 2: $ +0.0221
Lead Time: 48 hours ARO

ORDERING: Please furnish account number, quantity, date and approximate time of delivery.

PRICING: The price per gallon to end using entities should equal the average daily wholesale price for the zone in which the fuel is delivered, plus applicable taxes, plus the price markup or markdown above. 

ADDITIONAL FEES: Additional fees may be invoiced as a separate line item to end using entities for split loads or pump off charges when these occur. The maximum allowable charge for each split load or pump off is $50.00 per occurrence. No other fees or additional charges are allowed.

Joseph Vanderpool is the Contract Sales/Bids Manager. His email is jvanderpool@petroleumtraders.com. For our customer’s convenience, Petroleum Traders Corporation may be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. During normal business hours of 7AM to 5PM we may be reached at 888-637-7661.

For after hours, weekends, or holidays dial 1-800-348-3705 option 1 for the on call member of our dispatch staff and leave a message. All calls are returned within one hour.